Špeciána ponuka
Premium sparkling wine made by the traditional method from the Pinot Blanc and Pinot Noir varieties. Extraordinary sparkling wine characterized by beautiful, fine and...
The colour resembles that of an onion skin. The aroma is dominated by tones of raspberries and strawberries. The fresh, harmonious taste is imbued with typical traits of the...
Farba vína je sýtočervená s rubínovým odleskom po okraji. Vôňa je intenzívna po tmavom bobuľovom ovocí. V chuti je víno plné lených plodov s dochuťou ríbezlí a sladkých tanínov.
This wine has a light yellow colour and a typical fruity smell of apples and exotic fruits. The taste is spicy, full, and extractive with a long persistence. The wine is also...
Víno má svetlo zelenú farbu, vo vôni prevládajú tóny po citrusovom ovocí, egreši, zelených jablkách a v pozadí cítime rozkvitnutú lipu. V chuti je víno plné, extraktívne a...
Víno má typickú odrodovú farbu s delikátnou extraktívnou konzistenciou. Vo vôni vystupujú pomarančové tóny podfarbené jemnou chlebovinkou. Chuť vína je harmonická, plná, bohatá...
Gewürtztraminer is believed to be one of the oldest preserved varieties. It is close to a wild vine and can make various mutations. It is probably the great-grandmother of many...
This wine has a green-yellow colour and a subtle honey-blossom bouquet. The taste is full, extractive, and imbued with tones of bread.
This wine is yellow-golden in colour. The smell is dominated by tones of blossoming brier roses and tropical fruits. The taste is full, imbued with ripe grape juice and litchi.
The colour is pink and fresh, the smell and taste dominated by a wide range of small berry fruits.
Príťažlivý vzhľad vína umocňuje zlatožltý odtieň farby. Časť vína vyzrievala v nových barikových sudoch, v ktorých získalo jemný vanilkovo-orieškový nádych. Víno je pevnej...
The color of the wine is golden-yellow. The aroma is very musky and the taste is full, pleasantly spicy.
The taste of the wine is full-bodied, delicious and pure. It combines flowers, vineyard peaches and honey tones in the aftertaste. These beautiful sensations are based on a...
Víno je jemne zelenožltej farby s decentnými tónmi po rozkvitnutej lipe.
Vo vôni dominujú rozkvitnuté šípové ruže a tropické ovocie, v chuti vyniká prezretá hroznová šťava a litchi. Fľašová zrelosť 1-3 roky.
o víne dominuje vôna po broskyniach a citrusoch, s lahkým herbálnym charakterom. Fľašová zrelosť 2-3 roky.
This premium rosé sparkling wine is made from the St. Laurent variety. Extremely high-quality sparkling wine will please all your senses. It will impress you with its splendid...