Do you want to have everything perfect and unique on your wedding day? You choose a wine from our production, one of the label designs, or send us your own ideas and we will...
Do you want to have everything perfect and unique on your wedding day? You choose a wine from our production, one of the label designs, or send us your own ideas and we will...
Do you want to have everything perfect and unique on your wedding day? You choose a wine from our production, one of the label designs, or send us your own ideas and we will...
Do you want to have everything perfect and unique on your wedding day? You choose a wine from our production, one of the label designs, or send us your own ideas and we will...
Do you want to have everything perfect and unique on your wedding day? You choose a wine from our production, one of the label designs, or send us your own ideas and we will...
Do you want to have everything perfect and unique on your wedding day? You choose a wine from our production, one of the label designs, or send us your own ideas and we will...
Beautiful dark pink to cherry red color with an elegant aroma and taste of wild strawberries or raspberries.
Vôňa po lesných plodoch, najmä po lesných malinách a chuť intenzívna, svieža sauvignonová.
Chuť vína je plná, ovocná s jemnými trieslovinami, vo vôni dominujú tóny po čiernom ríbezlí obohatené o lesné ovocie a horkú čokoládu.
Vo vôni dominujú rozkvitnuté šípové ruže a tropické ovocie, v chuti vyniká prezretá hroznová šťava a litchi. Fľašová zrelosť 1-3 roky.
Plná korenistá chuť, extraktívna s dlhšou perzistenciou a vôňa po jablkách a exotickom ovocí. Fľašová zrelosť 1-4 roky.
Vo vôni dominujú čierne ríbezle a lesné ovocie, chuť je po čokoláde a bobuľovom ovocí. Fľašová zrelosť 2-3 roky.
This premium rosé sparkling wine is made from the St. Laurent variety. Extremely high-quality sparkling wine will please all your senses. It will impress you with its splendid...
Premium sparkling wine made by the traditional method from the Pinot Blanc and Pinot Noir varieties. Extraordinary sparkling wine characterized by beautiful, fine and...