
Víno, symbol osláv a relaxácie, môže byť pre mnohých zdrojom radosti. Avšak pre niektorých milovníkov vína môže byť jeho konzumácia spojená s nepríjemnými reakciami, a to vďaka obsahu histamínu. My sme pre vás pripravili výber vín práve z nízkym obsahom histamínu. 


TČ 2023
Tramín červený new
Skladom (>100 pcs)
Code: 858800357017
Dizajn bez názvu (3)
Sauvignon new
Skladom (>100 pcs)
Code: 979
Dizajn bez názvu (1)
Cabernet Sauvignon rosé
Skladom (>100 pcs)
Code: 8588008760674
Dizajn bez názvu (2)
Chardonnay new
Skladom (>100 pcs)
Code: 8588008760676
mvn velkelovce devin 1024x1536px
Skladom (81 pcs)
Code: 8588008760079


TČ 2023
New Tip
Tramín červený new
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€12,49 / pcs
Code: 858800357017
Dizajn bez názvu (3)
New Tip
Sauvignon new
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€12,49 / pcs
Code: 979
Dizajn bez názvu (1)
New Tip
Cabernet Sauvignon rosé
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€12,49 / pcs
Code: 8588008760674
Dizajn bez názvu (2)
New Tip
Chardonnay new
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€12,49 / pcs
Code: 8588008760676
mvn velkelovce devin 1024x1536px
Skladom (81 pcs)
€5,49 / pcs

Vo vôni dominujú rozkvitnuté šípové ruže a tropické ovocie, v chuti vyniká prezretá hroznová šťava a litchi. Fľašová zrelosť 1-3 roky.

Code: 8588008760079
mvn velkelovce rizlingrynsky 1024x1536px
Rizling rýnsky
Skladom (39 pcs)
€5,49 / pcs

Víno je jemne zelenožltej farby s decentnými tónmi po rozkvitnutej lipe.

Code: 8588008760055
mvn sonet No 1024x1536px
€5,79 –31 %
Noria quality wine
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€3,99 / pcs

The taste of the wine is full-bodied, delicious and pure. It combines flowers, vineyard peaches and honey tones in the aftertaste. These beautiful sensations are based on a...

Code: 8588006478945
mvn vasen TC 2022
€6,49 / pcs

Gewürtztraminer is believed to be one of the oldest preserved varieties. It is close to a wild vine and can make various mutations. It is probably the great-grandmother of many...

Code: 8588006477313
pinot gris
New Tip
€12,49 / pcs

Víno má typickú odrodovú farbu s delikátnou extraktívnou konzistenciou. Vo vôni vystupujú pomarančové tóny podfarbené jemnou chlebovinkou. Chuť vína je harmonická, plná, bohatá...

Code: 8588003570444
RV 2023
New Tip
€12,49 / pcs

Víno má svetlo zelenú farbu, vo vôni prevládajú tóny po citrusovom ovocí, egreši, zelených jablkách a v pozadí cítime rozkvitnutú lipu. V chuti je víno plné, extraktívne a...

Code: 8588003570383
mvn tuzba Rose2020 1024x1536px
€4,49 –33 %
Rosé quality wine
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€2,99 / pcs

The colour resembles that of an onion skin. The aroma is dominated by tones of raspberries and strawberries. The fresh, harmonious taste is imbued with typical traits of the...

Code: 8588000034017
mvn tuzba IrsO2020 1024x1536px
Irsai Oliver quality wine
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€4,49 / pcs

The color of the wine is golden-yellow. The aroma is very musky and the taste is full, pleasantly spicy.

Code: 8588006478204
mvn tuzba Char2020 1024x1536px
Chardonnay quality wine
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€4,49 / pcs

This wine has a light yellow colour and a typical fruity smell of apples and exotic fruits. The taste is spicy, full, and extractive with a long persistence. The wine is also...

Code: 8588000034956
mvn vasen RulM 2023 1024x1536px
€6,49 –23 %
€4,99 / pcs

The colour is pink and fresh, the smell and taste dominated by a wide range of small berry fruits.

Code: 8588006477450
mvn vasen Dev 2023
Action Tip
€6,49 –23 %
€4,99 / pcs

This wine is yellow-golden in colour. The smell is dominated by tones of blossoming brier roses and tropical fruits. The taste is full, imbued with ripe grape juice and litchi.  

Code: 8588006477436
mvn vasen RulS 2022
€6,49 –23 %
Pinot gris late harvest 2021
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€4,99 / pcs

This wine has a green-yellow colour and a subtle honey-blossom bouquet. The taste is full, extractive, and imbued with tones of bread.

Code: 8588006477412
16 items total