Current discounts

Current discounts... can find our wines or sets right here, where we have prepared a summary of all discounted products for you.


€9,99 –20 %
Skladom (>100 pcs)
Code: 992
Was: €9,99  (–20 %)
TČ 2023
€12,49 –20 %
Tramín červený new
Skladom (>100 pcs)
Code: 858800357017
Was: €12,49  (–20 %)
Dizajn bez názvu (11)
€9,99 –20 %
Cabernet Sauvignon rosé
Skladom (>100 pcs)
Code: 8588008760674
Was: €9,99  (–20 %)
mvn grand SektStLaurent 1024x1536px
Saint Laurent sparkling wine, brut
Skladom (61 pcs)
Code: 8588008760253
mvn grand SektPin2 1024x1536px
Pinot² sparkling wine, brut
Skladom (>100 pcs)
Code: 8 588 008 760 239




32 items to display
mvn mladev mus 1024x1536px 2023w
New Tip
€3,99 –20 %
Muscat akostné víno 2023
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€3,19 / pcs

Ľahké, jemne aromatické mladé víno s príjemným ovocným buketom. V chuti je vyrovnané a harmonické.

Code: 8588006477795
mvn mladev sv 1024x1536px 2023w
New Tip
€3,99 –20 %
€3,19 / pcs

Mladé ružové víno s výraznou ovocnou aromatikou po malinách a lesných jahodách. V chuti je víno príjemné a harmonické.

Code: 8588006477818
mvn mladev zwe 1024x1536px 2023w
New Tip
€3,19 / pcs

Mladé, lahodné, červené víno, svetlorubínovej farby. Chuť vína je jemná, zamatová s nerušivými jemnými kyselinkami.

Code: 8588006477832
mvn tuzba DonV 1024x1536px
€4,49 –17 %
Don Velder quality wine
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€3,69 / pcs

A ruby tinge which shades into purple dominates the wine’s rich colours. The smell is imbued with forest fruits. Elegant, strong tannins make the wine an ideal choice for long...

Code: 8588006477610
mvn tuzba VelZ 2020 1024x1536px
€4,49 –17 %
€3,69 / pcs

This wine has a yellow-green colour with honey-linden tones, underscored by a smell of green apples. The taste is delicious, with hints of green fruits.

Code: 8588006478341
mvn tuzba Rose2020 1024x1536px
€4,49 –17 %
Rosé quality wine
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€3,69 / pcs

The colour resembles that of an onion skin. The aroma is dominated by tones of raspberries and strawberries. The fresh, harmonious taste is imbued with typical traits of the...

Code: 8588000034017
mvn vasen FrM 1024x1536px 2022
€6,49 –23 %
€4,99 / pcs

This wine is deeply ruby in colour, with bluish tones along the edges. The smell is dominated by strong tones of sour cherries, berry fruits, and black spices. The taste is...

Code: 8588006477474
mvn vasen TC 2022
€6,49 –23 %
€4,99 / pcs

Gewürtztraminer is believed to be one of the oldest preserved varieties. It is close to a wild vine and can make various mutations. It is probably the great-grandmother of many...

Code: 8588006477313
mvn liturgicke 1024x1536px chardonnay
Action Tip
€5,99 –16 %
Chardonnay 2021
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€4,99 / pcs

Farba vína je nežná zelenožltá, v aróme dominujú tóny citrusového ovocia a ananásu. Extraktívna chuť hrušiek a grepu je umocnená príjemnými kyselinkami a jemnou mineralitou.

Code: 8588008760413
mvn vasen RulM 2023 1024x1536px
€6,49 –23 %
€4,99 / pcs

The colour is pink and fresh, the smell and taste dominated by a wide range of small berry fruits.

Code: 8588006477450
mvn liturgicke 1024x1536px rizlingrynsky
€5,99 –16 %
Rizling rýnsky 2021
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€4,99 / pcs

Víno je svetlej zelenožltej farby. Väňa je jemná korenisto-ovocná s tónmi zeleného jablka. Chuť je plnšia, s kyselinkou a jemným zvyškovým cukrom.

Code: 8588008760390
mvn liturgicke 1024x1536px rizlingr suche
Action Tip
€5,99 –16 %
Rizling rýnsky 2021
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€4,99 / pcs

Farba vína je jemno zelenožltá. Vo vôni prevládajú tóny citrusovo-ovocné a jemne lipové. Chuť je svieža, citrusová, odrodovo charakteristická. Toto víno sa pýši ocenením:

Code: 8588008760376
Dizajn bez názvu (11)
Action New Tip
€9,99 –20 %
Cabernet Sauvignon rosé
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€7,99 / pcs
Code: 8588008760674
mvn grand Cs 2018
Action Tip
€18,69 –57 %
€7,99 / pcs

The wine has rich ruby-red colour. Its aroma is intense with the predominant tones of black berries and cherries. The taste is full-bodied and long with intense pleasant...

Code: 8588006478860
mo grand 075 cuvee+list 1024x1536pxfinal
Action Tip
€18,69 –57 %
€7,99 / pcs

The wine has a deep claret red color, an intense aroma with predominant tones of black currants and cherries. The taste is warm, full and robust, with intense pleasant, lively,...

Code: 8588006478846
mvn grand MerVillBu 1024x1536px
Action Tip
€18,69 –57 %
€7,99 / pcs

The wine has a garnet red color, an intense aroma with predominant tones of black currants and cherries. The taste is warm, not very robust, with a delicate texture, yet it is...

Code: 8588006478884
mvn grand RR 2018
€18,69 –57 %
€7,99 / pcs

A typical representative of the Rieslings with a paraffin tinge in the aroma. Its taste contains a delicate harmony of acids and fine residual sugar. The wine has an attractive...

Code: 8588006478907
mvn archiv CH 2020 1024x1536px
Action New
€12,49 –36 %
€7,99 / pcs

Príťažlivý vzhľad vína umocňuje zlatožltý odtieň farby. Časť vína vyzrievala v nových barikových sudoch, v ktorých získalo jemný vanilkovo-orieškový nádych. Víno je pevnej...

Code: 8588006478068
Action New Tip
€9,99 –20 %
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€7,99 / pcs
Code: 992
RV 2023
Action New Tip
€12,49 –36 %
€7,99 / pcs

Víno má svetlo zelenú farbu, vo vôni prevládajú tóny po citrusovom ovocí, egreši, zelených jablkách a v pozadí cítime rozkvitnutú lipu. V chuti je víno plné, extraktívne a...

Code: 8588003570383
pinot gris
Action New Tip
€7,99 / pcs

Víno má typickú odrodovú farbu s delikátnou extraktívnou konzistenciou. Vo vôni vystupujú pomarančové tóny podfarbené jemnou chlebovinkou. Chuť vína je harmonická, plná, bohatá...

Code: 8588003570444
Dizajn bez názvu (8)
€12,49 –20 %
€9,99 / pcs

This wine is deeply ruby in colour which shades into hints of ink. The smell is imbued with clear tones of sour cherries, berry fruits, and black spices. The taste, too, is rich...

Code: 8588002292637
Action New Tip
€12,49 –20 %
€9,99 / pcs

This wine will impress you with its dark garnet colour. The six months spent in barriques imbued it with subtle hints of vanilla and tobacco. The smell is fruity, resembling...

Code: 8588002292576
Action New Tip
€12,49 –20 %
Hron 2021
Skladom (>100 pcs)
€9,99 / pcs

The wine has a deep burgundy color. The aromas are dominated by tones of black currants and blackberries, a pinch of pepper, fennel and a puff of pepper. The taste of the wine...

Code: 8588003570833
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32 items total