Mladé ružové víno s výraznou ovocnou aromatikou po malinách a lesných jahodách. V chuti je víno príjemné a harmonické.

The wine has rich ruby-red colour. Its aroma is intense with the predominant tones of black berries and cherries. The taste is full-bodied and long with intense pleasant...

Víno má svetlo zelenú farbu, vo vôni prevládajú tóny po citrusovom ovocí, egreši, zelených jablkách a v pozadí cítime rozkvitnutú lipu. V chuti je víno plné, extraktívne a...

This wine is yellow-golden in colour. The smell is dominated by tones of blossoming brier roses and tropical fruits. The taste is full, imbued with ripe grape juice and litchi.

The wine is golden in colour with a primary peach flavour, enhanced by fine residual sugar. Its aroma is pleasant and harmonious.

This wine is yellow-green in colour and has a honey-acacia smell with a citrus tinge. The taste is dominated by fruity lime-like tones which are accompanied by pleasant acids.

The colour is intensely dark garnet, the taste dominated by tones of black currants enriched with forest fruits and hot chocolate. The taste is full, fruity, and imbued with...

Farba vína je tmavočervená. V chuti a vôni sú tóny prezretých čerešní a višní, prechádzajúce do čokoládových tónov.